Bespoke Building in Wigan

Looking for something different than your old dated inefficient conservatory, I have completed two recent conservatory with tiled roof which i think are very different than the normal offers out there, Energy efficiency is the name of the game, a fully insulated roof must be first priority to make the room functional all year round.So [...]

GRP Resin Roof systems

Steve Gill joinery can under take your replacement flat roof, Glass reinforced resin is an extremely strong system capable of years of protection from one application.

Traditional Orangrey

A number of years ago this was a little project I undertook installing a orangery roof, I created a wooden cubed truss out of some heavy timber to support the roof, the joinery took time with mortise and tenon joints locked together with steel pins, There are now more modern methods to create the same [...]

Warm Roof Hybrid

The use of functional space is of more importance to people these days, not so long ago a upvc conservatory was an added bonus; limiting the time spent in there as winter and summer can be all to uncomfortable to bear, the latest solution to this problem is to replace the roof with something with [...]